How to Identify Patients with an EMR ID Search

When you download a Patient Follow Up List, you will get an Excel spreadsheet with a list of EMR IDs.  In order to identify these patients, you will need to do a patient search in your EMR by EMR ID. 

Please find instructions for all three of the eligible EMR systems for use with CareCanvas below:


How to do a patient search:

  1. Log in to your Accuro EMR

  2. Go to File > User Preferences

  3. Enable ‘Search Patient ID & Alternative ID’ by ticking the checkbox

  4. Next, use ‘EMR ID’ to search for a specific patient either under ‘Demographics’ or ‘Encounter Notes’


How to do a patient search:

  1. From the Appointment screen, click on the ‘Search’ tab

  2. The program will default to a ‘Name’ search. Click the dropdown and select ‘Chart Number’

  3. Enter the Chart Number/EMR ID and click ‘Search’

Telus Practice Solutions

How to do a patient search:

  1. From the Patient File go to Find > Find

  2. The program will default to Patient name/number

  3. At the bottom of the window, enter the EMR ID

  4. Click ‘Show List’