Better Care, Made Easier
Get a comprehensive look at quality for your clinic.
Access to this clinic-level dashboard is restricted to physicians enrolled in CareCanvas+. The distribution of this data to your healthcare organization’s leadership team remains entirely at your discretion.
Compare quality of care to peer clinics
View data from patient experience surveys, administrative sources, and EMR in one place together with comparators from peer clinics.
Identify gaps in care
Identify opportunities for improvement and allocate clinic resources to where your patients need it most.
Report on quality quickly and easily
Download graphs summarizing common indicators for quarterly reporting.
About CareCanvas
Physicians across Ontario have come together to design a tool to help Family Physicians better understand and care for the communities you serve.
CareCanvas is a collaboration between the University of Toronto’s Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM) and the Primary Care Ontario Practice-based Learning and Research Network (POPLAR). POPLAR is an initiative of Ontario’s six University Family Medicine departments and the Alliance for Healthier Communities.
CareCanvas will be available to existing UPLEARN contributors. UPLEARN is the University of Toronto's Practice- and Community-Based LEarning And Research Network and one of the six POPLAR University sites. We plan to expand the program to all of POPLAR.
CareCanvas is an interactive web-based dashboard that summarizes clinical information from your practice EMR to make it easier to care for your patients. The data are extracted from your EMR and then cleaned, processed, and stored in a secure server with POPLAR.
Please keep in mind that the data are not perfect. We use algorithms that have been developed by researchers to identify common chronic conditions and some patients may be incorrectly classified.
Notice something wrong? Have suggestions for making things better? Please email
The dashboard was developed by a large team from the University of Toronto and POPLAR
Family physician team: Dr. Adam Cadotte, Dr. Noah Ivers, Dr. Payal Agarwal, Dr. Susie Kim, and Dr. Tara Kiran.
Research & QI team: Dr. Jennifer Shuldiner, Ms. Kirsten Eldridge, Ms. Erin Plenert, Mr. Denis Tsang, Ms Zeynep kucuksari and Ms. Maryam Danesh.
POPLAR team: Dr. Michelle Greiver, Ms. Marissa Beckles, Ms. Kimberley McFadden, Mr. Greg Clark, and Mr. Tom Rylett
Digital Health Design Partner: PIVOT Design Group
Funders: INSPIRE-PHC Program, St.Michael’s Hospital Medical Services Association Alternate Funding Plan Innovation Fund, Women’s College Hospital Academic and Medical Services Group Alternate Funding Plan Innovation Fund
& many others!