CareCanvas Data Dictionary

Information on how the indicators were defined and calculated

  • Family physicians with any rostered patients are included at this time. The dashboard can be expanded to family physicians who do not practice in a rostering model on request.

  • At this time, we are only providing you with data on your rostered patients as noted in your EMR.

  • POPLAR INDICATORS: Your Group is your FHT, FHO, FHG, or CHC. If there are multiple FHOs in your FHT, then the Group is your FHT. If you are not in one of these models, then the Group are the practitioners who share a physical office location with you.

    ICES INDICATORS: Your Group is your DFCM teaching site. It only includes physicians who were identified by site-leadership to be part of the teaching site.

  • UPLEARN includes data from primary care practices in Southern Ontario including the 15 core family medicine teaching sites at the University of Toronto, representing 405,332 rostered patients.

    The data includes a wide variety of EMR elements, including vitals, risk factors (smoking, alcohol), medications and health conditions. These are carefully standardized and curated in order to make the data usable for quality improvement and research. Learn more on the UPLEARN website.

  • ICES houses anonymized patient data from administrative sources that is linked and analyzed using unique identifiers. Data include physician and lab billings, cancer care databases, hospital and emergency department databases and more. The CareCanvas team worked with Dr. Rick Glazier and ICES staff to prepare and analyze data on quality of care for all 14 core family medicine teaching sites at the University of Toronto. Site leadership defined which physicians were part of their teaching site and should be included in the denominator (see Table 1). Data was analyzed for all rostered patients for those physicians.

    Click to view complete details on how the ICES quality of care indicators are defined and list of data sources used for the analysis.

  • The Patient Experience Survey slide decks include site-specific aggregate data and DFCM aggregate data including cross-site comparisons and trends over time for the common core questions of the most recent patient experience survey.

  • The following chronic conditions are based on algorithms that have been developed and validated by the UPLEARN research team:

    Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2)




    Bipolar Disorder

    Ischemic Heart Disease

    Atrial Fibrillation

    Heart Failure

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    Chronic Kidney Disease

    Click to view complete details on how patients with these chronic conditions are identified in the UPLEARN Technical Appendix (currently not available).

  • Medications are classified using a linear support vector classifier, trained by a family physician. The medications are grouped in 6 categories:

    • Oral antibiotics

    • Opioids (excluding methadone and suboxone)

    • Opioid addiction treatments (methadone, bupernorphine-naloxone, etc.)

    • Benzodiazpeines and z-drugs (zopiclone)

    • All other medications

    • Non-medications (massage, physiotherapy, glucose test strips, etc.)

    The polypharmacy indicator excludes non-medications.

  • Neighbourhood Income quintile data is based on Statistics Canada neighbourhood income data from 2019. The patient postal code is used to map to a neighbourhood using the Postal Code Conversion file (PCCF+). Quintile 1 refers to the least affluent neighbourhoods, while quintile 5 refers to the most affluent. The quintiles were constructed according to the methods developed at Statistics Canada. See this link for more information.

    Age and gender are derived from patient’s health card.

    Virtual and in-person visits are derived from OHIP billing codes.

Do you have feedback or questions on the data sources or indicators? Email